Since my "announcement" of CA's and my engagement I've been in "OMG it's HAPPENING" mode. Which is a very dangerous mode to be in especially for CA. ONE- ^ That picture couldn't be more true if it TRIED. Last May CA & I were amazing, still in our honeymoon phase, and we still are. TWO-Tuesday I woke up early and headed out to the gym to start getting in ... Read the Post
Games, Paint Nite & Packing…
Hiiiii ;) It's me again! It's Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday! So excited...{ONE} Le boyfriend and I went to Yankee Stadium in the Bronx to witness the first game of the Subway Series. Yankees V Mets, it's where he and I are sworn enemies; not really it's just fun :). Yankees LOST eh BOO, we left the game early because it was the Bronx and we didn't drive in, and taking the subway & train ... Read the Post
Gettin’ Back To It ;)
Ah Friday we meet again, thank god. It's been a great week over all but I definitely love my weekend where I can look forward to enjoying the sunshine outdoors and not just through a window.I am excited for this weekend, le boyfriend and I are staying in for dinner tonight (new recipe). Tomorrow we have a Yankees baseball game at 1 which will be awesome for sunshine! Than relaxing the rest of ... Read the Post
A Five, A Running, & A BackUp
It's fraking FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY! Wahoooooooooooooo♥via facebookMonday le boyfriend & I decided that after our mini vaca we will be doing Advocare's 10 day cleanse. It's not one where you don't eat like anything, you just eat SUPER healthy for 10 days, toats doable! ♥Also on Monday, I started Focus T25 GAMMA... ya KILL ME. It's the strength round, so it means weights, ... Read the Post