Last week was a bit crazy, I didn't end up sharing what I wore to work on Wednesday or Thursday, I shared it all on Friday. You ever have those long days plus less sleep so you're just not in the mood? That's where I was, but I did remember to take a picture of my outfit! Ever have those days where you're just too tired to function? That's how most of last week went. I'm happy this past weekend we ... Read the Post
Office Work Outfits for the Week of 2/10-2/14
It's the start to another week already! I want to start posting on my blog consistently so this is a start for me! Since I work in an office, I need to have a closet that works for both work and everything else. But, I am also working with a budget, so it's a balance of having affordable pieces as well as splurge worthy ones. So, in order to be more consistent I figured sharing what I wear weekly ... Read the Post