Since my "announcement" of CA's and my engagement I've been in "OMG it's HAPPENING" mode. Which is a very dangerous mode to be in especially for CA. ONE- ^ That picture couldn't be more true if it TRIED. Last May CA & I were amazing, still in our honeymoon phase, and we still are. TWO-Tuesday I woke up early and headed out to the gym to start getting in ... Read the Post
Games, Paint Nite & Packing…
Hiiiii ;) It's me again! It's Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday! So excited...{ONE} Le boyfriend and I went to Yankee Stadium in the Bronx to witness the first game of the Subway Series. Yankees V Mets, it's where he and I are sworn enemies; not really it's just fun :). Yankees LOST eh BOO, we left the game early because it was the Bronx and we didn't drive in, and taking the subway & train ... Read the Post
Gettin’ Back To It ;)
Ah Friday we meet again, thank god. It's been a great week over all but I definitely love my weekend where I can look forward to enjoying the sunshine outdoors and not just through a window.I am excited for this weekend, le boyfriend and I are staying in for dinner tonight (new recipe). Tomorrow we have a Yankees baseball game at 1 which will be awesome for sunshine! Than relaxing the rest of ... Read the Post
Sunday Social•Twitter Much?
1. When did you join twitter? I joined when it first became popular but had NO idea what to do with it. So it wasn't until 2012 that I became familiar with it. {Follow Me Here}2. Who is your favorite non-celeb to follow? Oh this is super easy! My fav non-celeb is this amazing person named Darren Meenan @DarrenJMeenan. He's my fav non-celeb cause he's the MOST down the earth guy I've ever ... Read the Post