I’ve probably typed this blog post out a few times, never figuring out how I actually want to take this post. After talking to my friend Chelsea about blog posts that we were planning out for the upcoming weeks, I knew I wanted to write about makeup. But what would it actually be about, I’m not a makeup artist so my tips or tricks would be things I’ve learned from other bloggers or watching ... Read the Post
Project Pan 2019- #GFFProjectPan
Happy Monday! I am posting this about a month late, I wanted to actually get this posted the beginning of January but life happens. I’ll cut right to it, I have too much makeup. I have eyeshadow palettes, foundations, powders, and it’s all too much. The reason I can actually say it’s too much is because I assume that I’ll use all of the makeup I have in a timely fashion. And I haven’t. The bigger ... Read the Post