Happy Friday! This post is going up a bit later than what I had planned but I'm determined to get it up on FRIDAY. This was actually the first week where I was able to get three posts live, today's being the third. I want to start being consistent both on my blog & Instagram, which is definitely easier said than done. Especially because in 10 days I go to Europe for 12 days..... I chose a ... Read the Post
Friday Favorites: Must Have Winter Accessories
Happy Friday! I'm surprised how quickly February is going! I got my hair cut Wednesday night because, this girl desperately needed it. I'm getting my hair colored for the first time in over 15 years Saturday... so I had to get it cut before getting it colored. I'm SO excited, I'm heading to Greenwich CT since my friend Ariel does Balayage beautifully so I'm having her do it at her job. I can't ... Read the Post
Friday Favorites: Best High-End Makeup
Happy Friday! I am so excited that it's the weekend! I have an Islanders game tomorrow and just a lot of blogging work that needs to get done whenever I can. I had an event last night but got home earlier than I thought which was really nice. I made two rookie mistakes for NYC, 1. I didn't charge my headphones- so I got to listen to a commuter CHEW her gum LOUDLY (pet peeve). 2. Asked to be ... Read the Post
January Recap + Friday Favorites
I can not believe January is actually over! For a month that genuinely goes slow, it didn't go as slow as usual! It has been COLD (albeit not as cold as other places), but it's cold for Long Island at this time, but no snow, I'll accept it. We have only one month left until our Europe vacation, and I am SO excited. I have a few posts lined up for this month, as well as March while we're ... Read the Post