Happy List Friday Week 2:•Woohoo made it through another week of work and blogging!•Work wise this week wasn't too bad, it was busy but not as much as it will be again when the Holidays come back around. •I ran every day except this morning so I staying on my running schedule YAY•I've gained some more new followers *happy dance* •I think I've pretty much set all my ... Read the Post
Happy List Friday .O1
So instead of waiting til Monday to start doing daily posts I figured why not start on Friday? Happy List Friday: • I am extremely happy it's Friday! This week has been blah for me it's that T.O.M. for me so my body is just lazy. • I have dinner tonight with my brother, sister in law and my boyfriend and I am excited to spend some time with them♥• I have lost .5lbs ... Read the Post
Daily Postings
So I was talking to Amanda and she is like my blogging go-to girl who is awesome with helping me out. And I had told her that I wanted to do "daily postings" and if she had any suggestions she said try and check out other blogs to get ideas. So I did and on Kathryn's blog I came upon Random Thursday & Social Sunday! And from there I found others and than created my own ... Read the Post