This post is being sponsored by U by Kotex, all pictures and opinions are my own. I can’t believe it’s already August, the final month of summer, makes me a little sad. It also makes me a “little” bit happy, it means no more being uncomfortable while “time of the month”is going on. No woman likes her period interrupting the short summer months with being uncomfortable; luckily U ... Read the Post
Wedding Workout and Nutrition Plan #SayYestoJerky
In less than 10 months I’ll be getting married! Wow, this has to sink in for a minute. I remember when I first posted, the big day seemed so far away and everyone said that it would fly. Since I still have a significant amount of weight to lose before the wedding, I’ve stepped up my game. With wanting to lose weight without having extra skin, or lose muscle definition, I put together a new workout ... Read the Post