I thought this would be a fun post to share right after I came back from my cruise! I am an over packer, I would rather have too much over too little, but on a cruise ship that means a crowded cabin. Since this is my 6th cruise I’ve realized that I don’t need to bring everything, and this includes beauty products. I really focused on what I use daily and what I would need for formal nights as ... Read the Post
Holiday Gift Guide: Best Gifts for the Travel Lover
Better late than never right!? I know I for one am not done shopping yet, so I'm sure other's aren't either ;). My first HGG I knew I wanted to share everything travel! We were on a 10-day vacation in November and in March we'll be gone for 15 days in France, England & Ireland, and it'll be our longest vacation to date. I love weekend trips too so hopefully this will help you! Whether you are ... Read the Post
5 Fun Things to Do in the Winter
This post is sponsored by ClimateRight but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.I will be the first person to tell you that I usually “hibernate” in the New York winter time. It’s cold, and dreary looking and the last thing you want to do is bundle up and go outside! The best thing about going out in the winter after the holidays are over? Fewer people. If you’re doing anything ... Read the Post
Friday Favorites: Travel Edition
Happy Fri-YAY! I don’t know about you, but I am happy that it’s the end of the work week and looking forward to this weekend! It’s been a long week (for whatever reason sleep has escaped me). Last week my friends Jennifer, Adriana and myself were all talking about the good ol’ day, the OG days of blogging. What blog posts were about, guest posts introducing other bloggers and more. One of those ... Read the Post