Happy almost Friday ladies! It's one more day to wake up and than it's Friday. Since I will be planning my wedding from now until the day everything is DONE (ie: June 4, 2016); I wanted to designate one day per week to JUST wedding talk. Since this is a life style blog I don't want to over whelm anyone with wedding talk so one day a week will suffice and I am hoping for this to grow as a link up! ... Read the Post
But… Everyone’s Doing It
And by everyone I mean Juliette & Whitney... and "It" I mean talking about the type of proposal that we as women just think are... HORRIBLE. Also, proposals that we'd love to have happen, like our perfect proposal that we'd love for our "dream guy" to do for us when he asks us to marry him.So we are going to have fun listing the ways of NOT proposing to Renee:•DO NOT by any ... Read the Post
So I had a Wedding On Sunday…
I had a wedding on Sunday night, 10.13.13. I went in place of my cousin whom was unable to go, so I went as his wife's date. I was chosen because I knew most of the people who were going, and also the bride and groom.I'll show you some pictures first than fill you in about the... craziness that occurred that night ;)♥The beautiful bride Katie and groom ... Read the Post