If you could go back and change ANYTHING in your life? Would you? Why or why not?*warning, some language could/might offend someone, it's only in my little rant at the end. if you are easily offended by some harsh words, do not read the paragraph starting with 'Now, growing up like that' *Oh now this is a hard question to answer so publicly. But I want to give readers an insight to my ... Read the Post
What would you rather do?
Would you rather jump from an airplane or take a hot air balloon ride?via↑ VERSUS ↓viaJumping from an airplane, now that is something that Anthony has done, and a few of my friends have also done it. I mean JUMPING from an air plane, jeez it makes me think "WHY would you jump from a perfectly good airplane"... quote from one of my favorite books LOL. I am not scared of ... Read the Post
Did You Ever..
Did you ever have a moment or event in your life where you said, screw it all, I'm living for me and choosing to do what makes ME happy?Oh wow, I only had this 'moment' occur, last year; I had realized that the person I was forcing my self to date wasn't the right guy, and that being in a relationship was NOT worth me being as miserable as I was. Now don't get me wrong, he never treated me ... Read the Post