O1.// Thursday night.... my street at work was literally a SHEET of ice, I'd be better off skating home from work rather than attempting to drive. O2.//Anthony & I went out for Agata's birthday along with her fiancé John; we went out to our favorite restaurant Liki. And for her birthday they gave her fried ice cream (which we all shared). O3.// While everyone else (for the most part) had a ... Read the Post
Merry Christmas! ♥ Plus a Blog Hop ;)
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I can't believe that it's already Christmas eve!! I mean it's almost 2014 already! x.x YIKES. I wish you and your families many many happiness this Christmas season♥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... Read the Post
Weekend Recap•Pre-Christmas♥
Weekend Recap hosted by Bella @ Dateless in Dallas & Lisa @ Showered with DesignONE.// A tradition my mum and I started 3 years ago.. going to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert... :) frkn EPIC-ness was had. We were on the floor {like usual} and were 19 rows from the front. TWO.// The WORST run known to man was had on Saturday morning... like legitimately the ... Read the Post