I received these watches in return for an honest review, no other compensation has been received. As always all opinions are my own.Are you a late shopper like me? Wait until the last minute or do you have all your shopping done weeks in advance? If so, I envy you, I just don’t have the organization for that LOL. I am a habitual late shopper, usually the week before Christmas I’m getting ... Read the Post
5 Tips for Throwing a Stress-Free Holiday Party! #GetGuestReady
December always means holiday parties, events, and just getting together with family and friends! Even though CA and I haven’t found a home, yet I usually help my mom prepare the meals on Christmas Day. We don’t generally go crazy, there are only 7 people that are at the dinner table so we don’t cook too much. Christmas is CA’s favorite holiday and it’s easy to get into the holiday spirit being ... Read the Post
Shaping Your Fitness Routine in 2017 #VianceNutrition
Need tips on your fitness routine? Check it out below! I noticed that weather is getting warmer, the sun is staying out later--wait, it is almost MARCH?! I can't believe it! New Year's Resolutions are so easy to lose track of and I've realized things need to be changed right away. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ... Read the Post
Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail; Change a Meal #ChangeaMeal
This post is sponsored by Smoothie King but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. Thank you for supporting Getting Fit Fab. #ChangeaMealItt's no secret that I've been wanting to lose weight and I've done many things to try and achieve that. The one thing I knew I needed to do was get a plan in action, set goals & rewards for reaching said goals. I've always been a planner; ... Read the Post