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Wow it’s been a while since I’ve been on here, life gets in the way sometimes, of being able to be online and to blog about life. Right now I am at home, sick with the stomach virus, it SUCKS beyond compare, I’ve caught up on so much sleep that I’m tired just because I’ve been sleeping so much. Sleeping helps the body recover, and will also help me realize I can’t keep going and going without proper rest.
This has whats gone on since I’ve last posted:
•Had an AMAZING Christmas!
•Brought in the New Year with Le Fiancé once again, and with friends & family.
•On January 5th began a fitness challenge with my lifting partner Cait
•This past weekend we finished getting addresses together and will be sending out our Engagement Party invites!
Since joining the 60 day fitness challenge I’ve lost a total of 3.5lbs and 7″ off my entire body. Being sick has limited me to barely eating anything, and not being able to workout. Cait and I still go to the gym at 5AM to lift heavy, and usually after we lift we do HIIT or run on the treadmill. It’s still hard to get up early but it’s definitely worth it with the changes I see in progress pictures.
As I had mentioned above we finally got all address that we need, and are sending out engagement party invites this week, once we obtain stamps… like 80 stamps. It’s exciting that we’ve finally reached the year that we are actually planning and doing things. We have an appointment with a Priest for our ceremony, January 30th, the Father I spoke to was so fun! He sounded very young, and he was excited to be meeting & talking to us. This year we have to get the Limo, my wedding dress, the bridesmaids dresses, the suit situation for the guys, favors, and wedding invitations.
Le Fiancé and I are doing very well, we celebrated 2 years together on December 4th, we had a great Christmas and NYE! Our relationship is doing amazingly, our communication is doing great, and we are just generally happy. We are going a CRUISE this year, I am calling it our pre-wedding honey moon, just because vacation doesn’t sound cool enough ;).
I hope everyone is doing well in blog land! I hope to be more active, it is a resolution that I hope I can keep! 🙂 ♥