O1.// Late dinner with Anthony and his friends at a really awesome seafood place! Ant had mussels... :X I don't like them but it was epic how fast he finished his dinner LOL O2.// That picture is definitely how I've been feeling lately.. just started the 4th week of Focus T25! And loving it! O3.// Making dinner in the crock pot on Saturday! It was amazing, chicken breasts, refried ... Read the Post
Weekend Recap•Random Happenings
O1.// Got an awesome email saying that I was quick enough and am receiving free socks for doing the color run! :D :D♥ O2.// Breakfast on Saturday morning, along with Whitneys Whispering Eyes... which is probably one of my most favorite recipes! O3.// I received my new Shakeology bag! Brand new flavor Strawberry yummo! It's great with a banana O4.// One of the best ... Read the Post
Weekend Recap•Miz Suzie Homemaker Style
O1.// My very handsome nephew Gavin Dean! Born 1/9/14 5lbs 15oz 18 1/2 inches long at 4:19 am. O2.// I was seeing my father (the brand new grandfather), so I made some homemade Chili for dinner.O3.// 5 on Friday with an amazing #backthatazzup song; woohoo! Go check it out here. O4.// Friday nights wine also came with some dinner... only a little bit of food and LOTS of wine.O5.// ... Read the Post
I am really a bit late on doing a Christmas recap but hey better late than never right? Awesome.Well Christmas eve, I worked until 3pm, went home made sure I had all presents upstairs buy our tree for my Aunt, my mum and than Anthony. Changed and than got ready to head to my uncle's house for a relaxing Christmas eve. Anthony joined us about 7:30 for dessert, grab bag, and he gave me my first ... Read the Post