This post is sponsored by Celestial Seasonings but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. #CelestialTeaWe’re almost to the weekend everyone! How’s everyone doing!? This week has been busy but I feel like it was the most “on top” of blogging I’ve ever been! I’m sure I am not the only one who has some trouble sleeping at night. Have you ever seen the meme that says, “going to bed” ... Read the Post
Don’t Procrastinate, Navigate with Anthem
This post was sponsored by Anthem as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. #NavigateEnrollment #ICI honestly can’t believe that 2017 is right around the corner! I swear that CA & I just celebrated our wedding and are leaving on a jet plane to Europe. Now that 2017 is quickly approaching, to-do lists feel like they are 10 ... Read the Post