Wow, busy week very happy with what I've accomplished and even happier what is going on today!{ONE} After a very long weekend, it was awesome and relaxing, and I also broke a weight loss plateau! Even with all the weight loss horrors I've had this past almost YEAR (jeez that is a LONG time).{TWO} I'm extremely happy blogging wise what I did this week! I've written about my running and how I ... Read the Post
Five On Friday•Random♥
Five on Friday an awesome week♥ {ONE} My favorite morning after workout drink, is Whey Cinnamon Swirl & Shakeology Vanilla flavor :D. It's filling and extremely good, the whey helps with my muscle recovery. And the Shakeo makes my hair purty and nails grow nicely. {TWO} I ordered a heart template (it's on sale for 12.99$ plus shipping which is around ... Read the Post
Five On Friday•Romantic♥
Five on Friday- lets be romantic♥Instead of a typical Five on Friday... I was inspired by Karissa at Karissa & Company to do a Top 5 (instead of a top 10 like her) about why Le Boyfriend is my person♥{ONE} He's Patient- That is a HUGE one, I have ADD and OCD on high alert sometimes. And patience is a huge factor if you'll want to be around forever like him. And plus I usually ... Read the Post
Five On Friday♥Back That Azz Up♥
It's FRIIIIIIIIIIDAY!!!!! It's arrived..♥{ONE} Well Monday started Week 2 of Focus T25... and it's still kicking my ass butt. But I've improved, on moves that I am able to I do un-modified, jumping moves I do modified because my ankles are extremely weak and I don't need to sprain or break either of them and not be able to workout for a LONG time. So modified it is, and even modified I am ... Read the Post