SO excited to link up with Sunday Social! Thanks to Nelly @ A Complete Waste of Makeup! This Weeks Questions:1. What is the name if your blog? Gettin' Fit & Fab 2. What do you love most about blogging? The people I've met through blogging, the things I've learned about my self, and that I have my own little corner on the internet. 3. Why did you start blogging? I started ... Read the Post
Happy List Friday .O1
So instead of waiting til Monday to start doing daily posts I figured why not start on Friday? Happy List Friday: • I am extremely happy it's Friday! This week has been blah for me it's that T.O.M. for me so my body is just lazy. • I have dinner tonight with my brother, sister in law and my boyfriend and I am excited to spend some time with them♥• I have lost .5lbs ... Read the Post
Daily Postings
So I was talking to Amanda and she is like my blogging go-to girl who is awesome with helping me out. And I had told her that I wanted to do "daily postings" and if she had any suggestions she said try and check out other blogs to get ideas. So I did and on Kathryn's blog I came upon Random Thursday & Social Sunday! And from there I found others and than created my own ... Read the Post
Keeping Organized
Sorry I haven't been around for a while, life has been busy and all get out. But I have recently learned I need to really DRILL it into my head I need to get organized. I have many things going on all at once especially since that Football season just started AND Hockey season is going to start shortly. And there is no doubt in my mind that I want my body bikini ready by ... Read the Post