I’m sure if you are losing weight, have lost weight, or are maintaining your current weight you have heard or seen probably every “number” situation. That losing weight is all numbers from counting calories to macros or that stupid number on the scale or the amount of inches you lose. You’d think it’s ALL numbers, that it’s the ONLY way to lose weight by playing the number game. Maybe numbers ... Read the Post
Is This Thing On?
Ah yeah I've been such a bad blogger, it just sucks so bad. I have SO many ideas to write about. I get maybe 2-3 paragraphs into a post and I just go BLANK. And none of it is forced either, it's ALL just free flowing that it is just GONE. ACHK. Anyways here's my weekend :). I am on my 4th week of Gamma Pure, and I swear each week I feel like I am half dying. Alright, this ... Read the Post
Sunday Social•Twitter Much?
1. When did you join twitter? I joined when it first became popular but had NO idea what to do with it. So it wasn't until 2012 that I became familiar with it. {Follow Me Here}2. Who is your favorite non-celeb to follow? Oh this is super easy! My fav non-celeb is this amazing person named Darren Meenan @DarrenJMeenan. He's my fav non-celeb cause he's the MOST down the earth guy I've ever ... Read the Post
Weekend Recap•Lazy Sickly Butt♥
Boo... it's Monday already. UGHK. And to top it off I am sick... BLAH. Le boyfriend was in CT for the weekend with his friends from UConn for March Madness. He came home Sunday and we cuddled basically all day and his mom made awesome pork chops for dinner. Le boyfriend definitely has the patience of a saint because my ADD kicked in for NO reason... it was bad LOL. LOL this one is ... Read the Post