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I love October, it’s my second favorite month of the year, besides September because of my birthday. It’s right before it gets too cold to enjoy being outside for a long period of time. I just wish it would fade so quickly, one minute it’s October 1st, next we are in the last week! I am SO excited for Halloween! CA and I are going to my cousins Halloween Party ON Halloween, and I love our costumes that we’ll be wearing.
Onto the weekend!
CA had a long day at work so we had a relaxing night in, I made steak stir fry & pulled chicken.
Since I began blogging more seriously I’ve involved Baloo in my posts more often. He’ll be 11 next month and it’s fun to see what he’ll sit for and what he won’t. He’ll sit for bones, or if he’s tired he’ll just lay down. He’s really a good dog luckily he puts up with me wanting a lot of pictures.
I found that picture ^ on Facebook and I love it so much. CA and I are independent people so we are always striving to be better for ourselves, each other and to better our lives for when we get married.
CA had to leave for work at 5:30 so I went back to sleep for a little bit and made breakfast around 9. Afterwards my mum and I were cleaning her room out to put in an area rug. I found plenty of old pictures from when my mum was little and even when my grandparents were growing up.
The picture above is my old dog Samantha, she was a Newfoundland/Black Labrador mutt, she was found on the side of the parkway by my mum. The puppies were all 8 weeks old, and she was the only one who climbed into my mum’s car. She was 17 years old when she finally passed away from leg cancer, I was 14 at the time. We waited to get Baloo until I was out of High School because we weren’t home enough and it’s not fair to the new dog.
My grandmother ^ her name was Sarah, most everyone called her Sally. That was at her home in Brooklyn, NY, my mum said she was about 3 or 4 in that picture. She was the oldest of 4 siblings, 2 boys & 2 girls, only the youngest 2 siblings are alive now.
Saturday night CA and I went out to sushi dinner which was of course delicious. I had some time before he picked me up to take a selfie.
CA always laughs when we do a fancy little dinner and I almost forget to take a picture of it. So luckily I remembered this time and I got a picture of our delicious food. We always go to the same place for sushi unless we are trying something different, so we get the same thing, or at least I do.
In the morning I tried to make fall looking pancakes, they turned out okay, just extremely puffy. They looked cute but it took too much effort to make the pancakes in the shape of fall things.
It was an extremely relaxing day, mum and I watched Elementary all day, finishing Season 1 and starting Season 2. I got some blogging stuff done and I had some company with me as well.
I hope everyone had a great weekend and are ready to get started on the last week of October!