Day 12 of October Daily- Day 12 Question; Your day in photos.6AM organizing new found make up... prices out to $250 it's crazy that it was hiding7AM I always drink a Shakeology drink in the morning before work, it's easy when I have to run around8AM putting on my face! I bought new make up so I wanted to test it out. 9AM on my ... Read the Post
October Daily•Day 11
Day 11 of October Daily- Day 11 Question; What are the things you love to do during rainy days? List them down! -Cuddle and watch movies :) -nap, I know very exciting -go to the movies -attempt crafty stuff -attempt to have DIY disasters -read a book ... Read the Post
October Daily•Day 7
{A couple days late} Day 7 of October Daily- Day 7 Question; Go without something (e.g. phone, twitter) for a day and tell us what it feels like.So on the 7th... I went without Twitter and Facebook. It was HARD, but what made it a bit easier was that I was on a flight for 3 hours, plus taxing and etc. Going without both, I felt 'left out' of a lot of things. ... Read the Post
October Daily•Day 10
Day 10 of October Daily- Day 10 Question; What are 5 songs that elevate your mood?So I love country songs, and they usually elevate my mood :D ^I know it's 'over played' by some but it's a FUN song! :D ^ ah the club mix of She's Country.... need I say more ^ it's a slow sweet song that's so awesome ^ I am picky about ... Read the Post