Day 9 of October Daily- Day 9 Question; Pick 3 random blogs from the link-up below, describe their blog, and tell us what you think about it! Share a snippet/screen capture of their blog too!My first pick is She Turn Her Dreams Into Plans Stephanie, is a mom of 3 boys 2 of whom are twins! She originally started blogging before the twins were born and is now ... Read the Post
October Daily•Day 8•Tutu Tutorial♥
Day 8 of October Daily- Day 8 Question; Share a blogging/photography tip or tutorial.So I don't know much about blogging OR photography to do a tutorial on either. But I will do a tutorial on how to make a running Tutu! I know there are many tutu tutorials, sewing, no sew, videos and etc. But this is the quick I need it in TWO days tutorial ... Read the Post
October Daily•Day 6
Day 6 of October Daily- Day 6 Question; Dig out a childhood photo and share something you remember happening during that time the photo was taken. You can post as many photos and describe as many events if you like. ^That one is from my 2nd birthday, I was playing with my Big Bird and the book that he came with when my mom snapped this picture ^Almost ... Read the Post
October Daily•Day 5
Day 5 of October Daily- Day 5 Question; Complete the sentence: If I had a _________, I would __________. You can make as many sentences as you'd like.If I had a million dollars, I would pay off my debt. If I had a new truck, I would give mine to charity. If I had a lot more confidence, I would worry less. If I had a fit body, I would keep it fit. If ... Read the Post