Another weekend went by, it was actually a very good and productive weekend, I'm not too sad it's over because the weather was NOT that nice out, at all.Friday Night-CA and I went to a Mets game, and our seats were beyond amazing to say the least. NOW I am not sure if you know this or not but if you don't you'll soon know. I am a Yankees fan (GASP), I've always been a Yankees fan, that's ... Read the Post
Wine, Bar Food, Graduations and a Movie!
This weekend was amazing, especially Friday night, along with Saturday afternoon.Friday Night-Originally I was supposed to have my hair and makeup trial done for my wedding, but I received an email stating her child was sick if we could reschedule. I had no qualms about it; she will be holding my wedding date until I can meet up with her in July. I informed CA of the change of plans, since ... Read the Post
Church.Beauty & the Beast. Money & Snow.
Another weekend has flown by, and it feels like everything weekend. It was a very successful weekend, also won some money in the process!Friday - After work Le Fiancé and I headed to the Church we wanted to get married at, we met with the Priest, and he is awesome! He is a younger Priest than what I am used to but he was SO full of life, and extremely excited to be marrying us. We had an ... Read the Post
A Snowy, Fluffy, Cuddle Filled Weekend ♥
It's Monday and we are expecting a HUGE snow storm in the North East starting today going into Tuesday, we are suppose to get up to TWO FEET of snow. Isn't that just FABULOUS?! NOPE it's really not. I am hoping this blizzard will take pity that I am REALLY not in the mood to SHOVEL all of that snow, and maybe a solid 6" would suffice?Now, onto the weekend! I am super excited ... Read the Post