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Happy Birthday to me! I was going to do 32 things about me post, but then time got away from me, and here we are. It’s 5:12 pm, and I’m just writing this because I found a way to put a fun twist on my birthday post. I was born at 5:23 pm on September 27th, what’s really important is that my mom used to tell me growing up that I couldn’t talk until 5:23 pm because I wasn’t born yet… my reply as a 5-year-old? But I right hereeeeeeeeee! It was a funny joke, and my mom still says that when she and I talk to early in the morning.
I used to dislike birthdays because it meant that I was getting older and my “timeline” that I had in my head was getting further and further away. But in the recent years, I’ve realized there’s no real-life timeline that I have to adhere too. I am happy where I am in life, besides wanting a house (LOL), but I have an amazing husband, my mom is amazing, I have amazing friends and family in my life, plus a great puppy! This past year was amazing, and this coming year is going to be equally as amazing! We’re heading to New Orleans + another Carnival Cruise in a few months and then early next year we’re going to Paris, London/Manchester + Ireland! Plenty of other small trips and plans but those are the 2 major things and I couldn’t be more excited!
So here’s to being 32, and enjoying what life has to offer an be as positive as I possibly can be! For another level of fun, I had a photo shoot with my cousin Danielle of Danielle Sheridan Photo! We went to a park near our houses and took so many photos, we also took photos for my blogging anniversary which is next week! Here are a few pictures from our shoot, I’m leaving my outfit details at the end, my dress is from either last year or the year before so I tried finding similar pieces. The blue really popped with the pond background, it was a fun Sunday afternoon/night and she was able to help me overcome my anxiety of people watching us!
Photos by Danielle Sheridan Photo // Shot at Southard Pond in Babylon, Long Island NY
Funny enough story… someone yelled while Danielle was taking photos of me “nice balloons, you better not release them!” and continued to bike away. I really wanted to shout back that I wouldn’t be releasing these $10 a piece balloons! How rude though, I just rolled my eyes and proceeded to say how much they were and I won’t be doing anything with them until they deflate lol.
Dresses: (+ my exact shoes)
[…] Happy Tuesday! I am so excited to be Co-Hosting today’s Trend Spin Linkup! It was luckily a Free day so I am able to share a few photos from my photoshoot I did for my blogging anniversary as well as my 32nd birthday. […]