Even though summer doesn't technically "end" until the 21st of September, it still feels like summer is over. Or at least over this coming weekend. It's definitely weird that Labor Day is almost a week into September. Anyways, CA and I really did this weekend up right. Friday night- We stayed in, knowing we had a long fun filled weekend ahead of us. We made little bowls of yummy-ness and watched ... Read the Post
Plenti Greek Yogurt healthy snack to keep you on Track
This post is #sponsored by Yoplait Plenti Greek, all pictures and opinions expressed are my own.Getting back on the lose weight train hasn’t been the easiest of tasks. Eating better is turning out to be easier than getting into a workout routine. Starting this coming week I’ve made a vow with my gym partner to hit the gym at least 5 days a week. Luckily I also have CA to back me up, well ... Read the Post
Fourth Of July Recap
Friday- I worked majority of the day which wasn't bad at all the day went incredibly fast which is always great. After work I relaxed and than my mum, CA and I went to a graduation party for my mums co worker. It was fun to see someone I've known since he was born graduate high school and heading to college this fall. The food was the most delicious part, it was Hispanic food which is ALWAYS good ... Read the Post
A Rainy Weekend Recap
Another weekend went by, it was actually a very good and productive weekend, I'm not too sad it's over because the weather was NOT that nice out, at all.Friday Night-CA and I went to a Mets game, and our seats were beyond amazing to say the least. NOW I am not sure if you know this or not but if you don't you'll soon know. I am a Yankees fan (GASP), I've always been a Yankees fan, that's ... Read the Post